Finally: US Air Force Test It’s New Super A-10 Warthog

The Air Force A-10 replacement strategy could involve building a new plane, adjusting an existing aircraft or merely upgrading the A-10 itself. 

The A-10 was designed around the General Electric GAU-8/A Avenger 30mm cannon and its seven barrels, which are able to dish out devastating punishment to armor. 

Over the years, the Warthog's 11 hardpoints have evolved from carrying dumb iron bombs and rockets to hauling the latest guided ordnance. 

The A-10 Warthog ground-attack jet, already in the process of receiving new wings, is also set for a series of improvements including new weapons, cockpit upgrades, and helmet-mounted controls. 

The Air Force is beginning to work on how fast, lethal, durable and capable a new “A-10” like aircraft would need to be in order to provide U.S. military ground troops with effective close-air support for decades to come. 

Source: GigaTech


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